Monday, June 6, 2011

Accessorising, the new interior design.

Let's face it, re-decorating, however (minimalist-chic, vanilla- and- cappuccino- monochrome- fabulous) the end result may be, is a bit of a nightmare. Deliberating over which particular shade of white will compliment the newly arrived four-figure furniture suite, eventually giving up and creating your own courtesy of Dulux and a frightening paint shaking contraption, covering every surface in copious amounts of plastic sheeting, eventually having to scrape fragments of exclusive paint off every surface that wasn't covered by aforementioned sheeting (which turns out to be the kitchen table, the square of carpet by the double doors and the light switch nearest the TV, painting like a crazed-lunatic thanks to the paint fumes and discovering that your bank balance has more than halved in a day..... well, that's just the tip of the interior iceberg.
So when I found myself getting tired of my room, I took the less invasive route (read, cheaper) and accessorised!
At this stage, you may think I have indeed lost my pink and sparkly mind but fear not, fellow fashionistas. I have invented a solution to both your decorating and display problems.... Using shoes, jewellery, scarves and anything else you fancy, you can jazz up your surroundings by simply draping and hanging. Shoes can act as bookends, drawer handles can be revived with necklaces, likewise scarves can be hung from the back of doors or act as bunting when draped from corners of the room. The only thing you need to use is your imagination...
No pattern books, over-paid decorators or shades of white for you..... simply raid the jewellery box, hang, adjust, adjust again and then relax.
That's just another reason to buy shoes....... (you're welcome!)

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