Thursday, January 28, 2010

Socks for Spring/Summer 2010

As seen on the catwalks of both Gaspard Yurkievich and designer-of-the-moment Alexander Wang, socks are officially the new opaques.

Although over the knee socks may be reminiscent of the spoilt teenagers in Clueless, they also give a fresh take on the covered leg. Over the knee socks are guaranteed to funk up any skirt, LBD or LD for that matter. Worn with flats, aviators and a tea dress during the day, these socks give coverage from April showers but give a slight glimpse of skin, reassuring you that Summer is on its way!

Party animals can rest easy knowing that these socks are versatile enough to wear anywhere in the small hours! Mix them up with coloured peep-toes and a plain dress or wear with a statement dress, chain hairband and black shoeboots.

These socks are all over the high street at the minute and River Island have a particularly good selection. Choose from plain black, ribbons, diamantes, patterened and many more.

The combination of socks and the January air may well induce purple skin and goosebumps but never fear, until the sun rears its head these socks can also be worn with tights and knee-high boots. If the boots are brown and the tights black, make sure the socks are a plain colour- grey perhaps- and slouch down around the tops of the boots.

" Fashions fade, style is eternal"
Yves St. Laurent.


  1. Hey,
    Katy here, good advice on the socks..loves it!I shall wear my black pair today and think of summer and be grateful of your advice! I love the quote it gives it a nice touch.. To wear or not to wear? WEARING THE SOCKS!

  2. ok now i must go out to the shops! top tips! madeline
